what is bronchitis

Info about bronchitis coughing => bronchitis cures => Topic started by: glennaguilar on July 23, 2016, 12:44:59 pm

Title: Chronic Bronchitis Tests: Influenza and the Risk of Viral
Post by: glennaguilar on July 23, 2016, 12:44:59 pm
Chronic Bronchitis Tests - Influenza and the Risk of Viral Pneumonia
Influenza, commonly known as 'the flu', is an infectious disease generally caused by viruses. The viruses responsible for causing the flu during viral outbreaks are very contagious and they can easily be contracted by entering in contact with infected people. Flu viruses are airborne and they can be transmitted through coughing, sneezing or simply by breathing the same air with contaminated individuals. You can also acquire flu indirectly, by entering in contact with contaminated objects. Thus, impeccable hygiene during flu seasons is recommended as an effective means of preventing infection with flu viruses.

Although most people experience no problems in overcoming seasonal maladies such as influenza, the elderly are very susceptible to developing serious complications such as bronchitis, otitis, heart disease and pneumonia. In the case of people with already existent conditions (asthma, chronic bronchitis) and people with weak immune system, flu can degenerate into serious pulmonary diseases such as viral pneumonia. Considering the fact that flu viruses primarily affect the respiratory system, people with respiratory sensibilities are exposed to a high risk of developing pneumonia during the flu seasons.

Considering the fact that flu and other seasonal contagious diseases can trigger exacerbated symptoms and lead to serious complications in certain categories of people, it is best to take measures in preventing the occurrence of such maladies in the first place. Doctors strongly recommend people with pronounced susceptibility to infections to get the influenza vaccine every year, before flu outbreaks. Flu vaccines can also prevent against certain forms of viral pneumonia that are caused by common flu viruses. However, flu shots can't prevent the occurrence of bacterial or atypical pneumonia, which require a different type of vaccine. In addition to the influenza vaccine, the categories of persons exposed to a high risk of developing pneumonia should receive a pneumococcal vaccine as well. A single dose of pneumococcal vaccine offers lifetime protection against various forms of pneumonia and the vaccine can be administered at any time of year. Bronchitis proved to be the foundation for the writing of this page. We have used all facts and definitions of Bronchitis to produce worthwhile reading material for you.

Pneumonia involves inflammation and infection of the lungs that triggers an overproduction of mucus at the level of the respiratory tract. Common symptoms of pneumonia are: difficult, shallow breathing, chest pain and discomfort that intensify with deep breaths, wheezing, exacerbated productive cough and moderate to high fever. Doctors sustain that the occurrence of pneumonia is strongly related to previously acquired infectious diseases such as the flu, which can degenerate into a wide range of complications. There are many forms of pneumonia, most of them triggered by viral infectious agents. Some types of pneumonia are caused by the same viruses responsible for causing influenza or other common seasonal maladies. Whenever one reads any reading matter likeComplications Bronchitis, it is vital that the person enjoys reading it. One should grasp the meaning of the matter, only then can it be considered that its reading is complete.

Statistics indicate that around 30-50 million Americans are confronted with influenza during winter outbreaks. While most of these people have no difficulties in coping with the illness, the elderly and people with special conditions (weak immune system, already-existent respiratory affections) often develop serious complications, requiring hospitalization. Recent studies indicate that influenza accounts for more than  000 hospitalizations in the United States each year. Viral pneumonia and other serious diseases associated with complicated flu are responsible for causing  000 annual deaths.

Is important to note that common medications and remedies used in the treatment of flu can't prevent or overcome viral pneumonia. Pneumonia is a various differences explained (http://bronovil.com/) that requires rigorous treatment with specific medications. If you experience possible symptoms of pneumonia, it is very important to quickly contact your doctor in order to receive the correct medical treatment. You may be filled with astonishment with the amount of information we have compile here on Chronic Bronchitis. that was our intention, to astonish you.

Many Patients Who Suffer from Respiratory Conditions are Diagnosed With Bronchitis
Bronchitis is a very common respiratory illness and it can occur in anyone, regardless of age. However, bronchitis has a higher incidence in smokers, people with respiratory insufficiency and people with weak immune system. The problem with bronchitis is that it generates symptoms that have an unspecific character. The symptoms of bronchitis are also characteristic to other respiratory illnesses and in many cases they can be misleading in establishing the appropriate diagnose.
Pneumonia - Know About Your Disease In Less Than 1 Min


Although they aren't very safe, long-term bronchitis treatments with antibiotics are prescribed for overcoming chronic forms of the illness. The problem with bronchitis treatments that involve the use of antibiotics is that they can weaken the organism in time, making it more vulnerable to other infections. Despite their efficiency in fighting malign bacteria, bronchitis treatments with antibiotics also destroy internal benign bacteria that are part of the immune system.

Even if the illness is correctly diagnosed, prescribing the best bronchitis treatment is a challenging task for doctors. Antibiotics are often part of bronchitis treatments. However, if bronchitis is caused by viruses, it is considered that bronchitis treatments with antibiotics are ineffective in overcoming the illness. In some viral forms of acute bronchitis, medical treatment isn't required at all, as the illness clears on itself in a few weeks. Even if the illness is caused by bacteria, bronchitis treatments with antibiotics can cause a lot of harm to the organism if they are administered continuously.

Chronic Bronchitis - Doctor Answers on Healthtap

Patients that are following bronchitis treatments must avoid exposure to irritants and pollutants (smoke, dust, chemicals, astringent substances, vapors of alcohol or vapors of gasoline). Also, self-medication should be avoided, as inappropriate medicines can cause an aggravation of the illness. Avoid taking antibiotics without the doctor's permission and remember not to give aspirin to small children. For adults, aspirin or acetaminophen can temporarily relieve fever and other symptoms, but it is very important to see a doctor if the symptoms aggravate.