Author Topic: Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis and How to Treat and Avoid  (Read 99 times)


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Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis - How to Treat and Avoid Bronchitis
Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs. It is a pulmonary disease from the COPD category. COPD means chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the agents that may lead to this disease are viruses, bacteria, fungi or just breathing a polluted air, smoking or breathing the cigarettes smoke.Low temperatures in winter also influences the inflammation.

There are Two Kinds of Bronchitis
The acute or the short -term Bronchitis and the chronic or long -lasting one. There are different agents that determine the disease. Acute bronchitis is often the result of influenza, a cold or an infection. It may be caused by viruses or bacteria. Smoking, pneumoconiosis, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to cold and draught are the most frequent agents that cause chronic Bronchitis. Chronic Bronchitis manifests with a persistent cough that produces sputum that lasts from three to six months during one or two years. Only in this circumstances we can speak about chronic Bronchitis. It also involves long lasting irritation caused by inhaling certain substances and especially tobacco smoke. This harmful substances determine the glands of the trachea and bronchi to increase the secretion of mucus. In this case the mucus can't be evacuated anymore and it can determine the obstruction of the airways. It is also very possible that an acute Bronchitis becomes chronic.

Is quite difficult to choose an appropriate treatment in chronic bronchitis. It is recommended to drink lots of liquids which are very helpful for the evacuation of the mucus. It was showed that antibiotics are not the right choice to treat Bronchitis, because the most of them are caused by viruses which don't respond to this kind of treatment. The most appropriate medication is aspirin, an anti- fever drug and steroids to open bronchial tubes and ease coughing. It is also very important that the doctor prescribes anti -tusive drugs. This kind of drugs thin the mucus and they make coughing more effective. And they also helps patients to have a quiet sleep, this because the dry coughing that characterizes the early stages of bronchitis wakes them up and don't let them sleep. So the best results are given by the oxygen therapy, bronchodilator drugs and if it is necessary lung volume reduction surgery. Did you ever believe that there was so much to learn about Www Bronchitis? Neither did we! Once we got to write this article, it seemed to be endless.

The first symptoms in Bronchitis are dry cough which turns into a wet one, fever, fatigue and headaches. All this may last for few days, maximum eleven days but the coughing lasts for weeks and even months. It is very important to mention that acute Bronchitis is very contagious. If the symptoms lasts for more than six months it is recommended that the doctor makes the necessary examination to find the cause of the persistent coughing, because it can be asthma or TB. In TB it is characteristic the coughing accompanied by blood. We worked as diligently as an owl in producing this composition on Bronchitis Acute. So only if you do read it, and appreciate its contents will we feel our efforts haven't gone in vain.

The Bronchitis complicates it may cause pulmonary hypertension, chronic respiratory failure or even heart disease.  It is not very hard to avoid acute Bronchitis. It is necessary just to wash your hands frequently, get more rest and drink plenty of liquids. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses or bacteria. One can be contaminated with this agents by breathing coughing droplets from the air or by touching contaminated surfaces, by breathing polluted, by smoking or breathing cigarette smoke or other harmful smokes. It is recommended for the smokers in the early stages of chronic Bronchitis to quit smoking. This will help them to avoid complications and the treatment will give best results. Go ahead and read this article on Bronchitis Symptoms. We would also appreciate it if you could give us an analysis on it for us to make any needed changes to it.

There are a Lot of Symptoms that are Characteristic in Bronchitis
First of all there is a persistent, expectorating, dry or wet cough which is very frustrating for the patient, dyspnea or shortness of breath, fatigue, mild fever and mild chest pains.The breath sounds are also very important for the diagnosis. In Bronchitis apears the rhonchi which is the result of a decreased intensity of breath sounds and extended expiration.

  • Cough could be harmless; at the same time, it could be trying to convey a dangerous message.
  • Only a physician will be able to unravel the mystery of a cough.
  • For example, you will cough a lot if you have bronchitis; it is one of the symptoms of bronchitis.
  • Knowledge about the various types and causes of a cough will help you determine the steps required to deal with cough.
On the contrary, a physiological cough is due completely to certain physiological conditions and can take place due to the following reasons:  Bacterial, viral, or fungal infection leading to conditions such as common cold

Types of Cough
There are two types of cough--dry or non-productive cough and chesty or productive cough.  A dry cough, which can cause a great deal of annoyance,  is arid and stiff. In addition, it makes you feel tired and worn out. Usually, a bacteria or virus is responsible for a chesty cough. A chesty cough expels a lot of phlegm comprising mucus and germs from the respiratory system and, thereby, normalises the breathing pattern. The title of this composition could be rightly be Bronchitis. This is because what is mentioned here is mostly about Bronchitis.

Why Do People Cough?
A cough is due to either physiological or psychological reasons. Psychological coughing is also called "habitual coughing." Those in the medical profession call it "streruphilia." An individual suffering from this condition enjoys sneezing or coughing, which is why he or she coughs or sneezes all the time. We hope you develop a better understanding of Symptoms Bronchitis on completion of this article on Symptoms Bronchitis. Only if the article is understood is it's benefit reached.

Persistent Coughing can Sometimes Lead to a Headache
-It causes additional strain in the stomach region, which can, in turn, lead to "scrotal sac" or hernia." Saying that all that is written here is all there is on Persistent Cough would be an understatement. Very much more has to be learnt and propagated bout Persistent Cough.

It can raise the pressure in your chest and paves the way to a condition called "air emphysema."  5. Controlling Cough in Chronic Bronchitis  According to medical studies, chronic bronchitis is chiefly due to smoking. Therefore, quit smoking immediately and for good if you are smoker. You will be surprised how fast your breathing pattern will return to normal once you stop smoking. Saying good-bye to cigarettes will not only reduce your cough but will also give you a pair of healthy lungs. In addition, keep away from a person who is smoking; the smoke can aggravate your cough. Medical studies have shown that passive smoking has worse effects on the lungs than active smoking. Once you are through reading what is written here on Bronchitis Treatment, have you considered recollecting what has been written and writing them down? This way, you are bound to have a better understanding on Bronchitis Treatment.

The Mechanism of a Cough
A cough is a simple body mechanism, characterized by a distinct sound,  to get rid of any irritants that cause irritation to the air passages. When you cough, your thoracic cavity contracts abruptly, a movement that releases a lot of air from your lungs. The vagus nerve, which connects the lungs and the brain, has an important role to play in the mechanism of a cough.

Allergy to irritating substances such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, or medicinal drugs  Medical conditions such as coronary disorders, ear diseases, or sinuses in the lungs As you progress deeper and deeper into this composition on Bronchitis Persistent, you are sure to unearth more information on Bronchitis Persistent. The information becomes more interesting as the deeper you venture into the composition.

You Have a Persistent Cough, Visit Your Physician
He or she will help you determine the type of your cough. Your doctor is the best person to tell you the exact causes for your cough. In addition, a doctor is the most qualified person to teach you the best ways to prevent or treat that annoying cough. Therefore, the sooner you visit your physician, the better. Take no chances with your health!

  • Avoid irritants that can worsen your cough; some such irritants are chemical fumes, dust, and aerosol products.
  • If you are inevitably exposed to irritants, wear a mask to avoid them.
  • This is a systematic presentation on the uses and history of Bronchitis Treatment.
  • Use it to understand more about Bronchitis Treatment and it's functioning.
Bronchitis is a Disease that can be Tenacious as a Stubborn Dog
It is caused by a severe inflammation or the blocking of the air tubes in the lungs.  Bronchitis generally occurs in two forms: acute or chronic.  Acute bronchitis is the lesser condition of the two but it can still last for several weeks and may result in pneumonia if it is not taken care of right away.  Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, can eventually lead to more serious heart problems.

You can take a number of vitamins to promote healing of bronchitis as well as preventing it.  Vitamin A in large doses taken daily for up to 30 days can promote faster healing of irritated mucus membranes and strengthens the whole immune system.  Vitamin C taken along with it can boost your immunity also and helps build up better collagen and mucus linings in the lungs.  Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects your lungs from air pollution.  Zinc works with vitamin A to heal lung membranes and other tissues.  An herb called astragalus taken daily in small doses can also help reduce symptoms associated with chronic bronchitis. It is the normal style of writers to add additional information with the intention of lengthening the length of an article. However, we have provided a short and concise article with only required information on Chronic Bronchitis.

There are many things you can do to prevent the onset of bronchitis in any form.  The most important thing to do is to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.  Avoid pollution by staying indoors during smog alerts and refrain from using sprays for cleaning, insect repelling, or deodorizing.  These contain a large number of potentially harmful ingredients that can weaken your lung tissues if used too often.  If you are sensitive to dairy products, avoid them because they can increase mucus formation.  When you notice the beginning of a cough, get plenty of rest and apply mild heat on your chest and back before going to bed.  Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of clear water every day and eat foods that are high in vitamin A, C, E and zinc.  Foods that are high in these nutrients including eggs, chicken, pecans, citrus fruits, sunflower seeds, broccoli, sardines and avocados. We have not actually resorted to roundabout means of getting our message on Bronchitis Common through to you. All the matter here is genuine and to the point.

Is a common mistake to take antihistamines, antibiotics, or decongestants for bronchitis.  These drugs do not relieve inflamed windpipes and can even dry the mucus linings of the lungs.  They can also make the mucus so thick that coughing can be very difficult and painful.  Antibiotics don't usually help because most bronchitis is not caused by bacterial infections.  Antibiotics hurt your chances of getting better by killing off friendly micro-organisms and making certain bacteria strains more antibiotic-resistant.  A common herbal antidote for bronchitis is to try drinking half a cup of horehound tea three times a day.  This can help to thin and release mucus that accumulates in the lungs of bronchitis patients. We were rather indecisive on where to stop in our writings of Chronic Bronchitis. We just went on writing and writing to give a long article.

Bronchitis can be recognized by the following symptoms: frequent and painful cough with phlegm, high fever, sore throat, chest pain, harsh sounds when breathing and chills.  Acute bronchitis is the common result of an infection like the flu or an untreated cold.  Chronic bronchitis is usually caused by a lung irritant like cigarette smoke, allergies, dust and all other forms of air pollution. The value of this composition is achieved if after reading it, your knowledge on Bronchitis Common is greatly influenced. This is how we find out that the meaning of Bronchitis Common has really entered you! ;)

  • Modern society suffers mostly from various kinds of respiratory disorders, some contagious and some noncontagious.
  • The markets are flooded with a variety of drugs to treat bronchitis and other disorders.
  • All of us need to have adequate knowledge about how to maintain good health.
  • We need to know the best drugs to treat bronchitis, in case we are stricken with it. ;)
Treatment of Acute Bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is the milder of the two types of bronchitis. There is no need to take any drugs to treat bronchitis of this type, which is a short-term disorder. Acute bronchitis lasts only for a couple of weeks or lesser if treated with care. The duration of the illness also depends on the type of microbe causing it. A substantial amount of the words here are all inter-connected to and about Types Bronchitis. Understand them to get an overall understanding on Types Bronchitis.

Before Taking Any Sort of Drug to Treat Bronchitis, Consult Your Doctor
Your doctor will determine, on the basis of your medical history, whether or not a particular drug will be beneficial for you. Doctors are the most qualified to determine the best combination of drugs to treat bronchitis. They also give you the correct instruction about the usage of these drugs.

Some of the medicines typically taken by patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are bronchodilators to dilate the bronchi and to enable easier breathing, antibiotics to destroy any bacteria that might be infecting your respiratory tract, and steroids. In certain cases, people suffering from chronic bronchitis prevention supplemental oxygen to help them deal with the low levels of oxygen in their body.

There is no need to take any drugs to treat bronchitis that is caused by viruses. You simply need a lot of rest, water and fruit juices in abundance, and a humidifier. In addition, you have to avoid influenza and the risk of viral pneumonia. The only drugs required in this conditions are those that alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis--anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, expectorants, and nasal decongestants. Even if you are a stranger in the world of Bronchitis, once you are through with this article, you will no longer have to consider yourself to be a stranger in it!

You have to take antibiotics or antibacterial drugs to treat bronchitis that is caused by bacteria; the drugs destroy the bacteria that are infecting your bronchi. In rare cases, the bronchitis might be caused by a fungus, and you will have to take antifungal drugs in addition to the other medicines that tackle the symptoms of bronchitis. Bronchitis Caused is the substance of this composition. Without Bronchitis Caused, there would not have been much to write and think about over here!

Chances for Complete Recovery from Chronic Bronchitis are Slim
You need to identify the disease in its earliest stages and arrest its further progress immediately. You can do so by making major lifestyle changes such as moving to a cleaner area, quitting smoking, and giving up alcohol altogether. In addition to what we had mentioned in the previous paragraph, much more has to be said about Treat Bronchitis. If space permits, we will state everything about it.

Bronchitis,  a respiratory disorder that can affect anybody at anytime, is one among the most widespread ailments. However, people residing in polluted areas, cigarette smokers, infants, young children, old people, and people already suffering from lung disorders are more susceptible to bronchitis. We wish to stress on the importance and the necessity of Symptoms Bronchitis through this article. This is because we see the need of propagating its necessity and importance!

Bronchitis. It Goes to Work Directly on the Underlying Cause to Stop

  • Along with the medication and the rest of the treatment plan, it is essential that you stop smoking.
  • The earlier you quit smoking, the sooner you can undo the damage done to your lungs.
  • This is a systematic presentation on the uses and history of Bronchitis.
  • Use it to understand more about Bronchitis and it's functioning.
However, some patients take expectorants to facilitate easier breathing. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help you obtain relief from the various symptoms of bronchitis. In certain cases, bronchitis can lead to very painful sinusitis. Decongestants will help you alleviate this symptom. You might also require pain killers to ease the muscle pain that always comes with bronchitis. Get more familiar with Symptoms Bronchitis once you finish reading this article. Only then will you realize the importance of Symptoms Bronchitis in your day to day life.

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