Author Topic: Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of Bronchitis  (Read 31 times)


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Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of Bronchitis
« on: August 20, 2016, 12:36:09 pm »
Asthma and Bronchitis in - Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of Bronchitis
Aconite is suitable only in the onset of affection, before the inflammation is localized. Aconite may even prevent a bronchitis if taken early right away when first symptoms appear: coryza, full,hard pulse, frequent sneezing, chilliness, restless sleep. If moderate congestion, and physical weakness and indisposition appear Aconite must be supplied with Gelsemium. Ferrum phosphoricum is administered in the bronchitis of children when the cough is dry, the lungs are sore, the breathing is oppressed, has no restlessness or drowsiness  secondary effects as the previous two medications. Veratrum viride is to be administered when there is high temperature, rapid pulse, the body is overheated.

  • Mercurius   When the cough is troublesome in the morning and  the expectoration is glutinous, tenacious we suggest that you take Kali bichromicum.
  • A raw concussive cough with watery sputum, muco-purulent saliva like with soreness of the throat is recommended mercurius.
  • We have not included any imaginary or false information on Www Bronchitis here.
  • Everything here is true and up to the mark!
Phosphorus   It is indicated in non-resistant individuals delicate, tall, phthisical subjects with    constriction of the larynx, hoarseness, mucous rales, mucous sputum or purulent. The patient often feels better after sleep. Usually the complication is pneumonia. Soreness and rawness of the chest appear after taking Phosphorus. Hepar sulphur is the remedy in case of rattling, fatiguing and choking cough. It is more adequate to subacute cases.   Kali carbonicum has good effects in dyspnoea, choking cough.

Bryonia   It is very usefull when the cough is very painfull and hurts the head and chest. It is rarely indicated in pure bronchitis, if the patient suffers from dyspnoea and dry cough which is even worse after a meal. Often the cough is aggravated when entering in a warm room from the cold air. When the expectoration becomes copious, thick and muco purulent we suggest Pulsatilla, but if accompanied by nausea and vomiting then give Ipecacuanha, Chelidonium is an excellent medicine in bronchitis as complication of measles. Using our imagination has helped us create a wonderful article on Medicine Bronchitis. Being imaginative is indeed very important when writing about Medicine Bronchitis!

Antimonium Tartaricum
Indications of Antimonium tartaricum are for young children and old people with sub-crepitant rales and wheezing breathing, superficial respiration, vomiting of mucus and food. Ipecacuanha has almost the same effects ceasing the difficulty in breathing. Baryta carbonica, Ammonium causticum, Antimonium iodatum gives accumulation  of mucus in the lungs with muco-purulent expectoration. Antimonium arsenicosum is a very usefull remedy in capillary bronchitis. Even the beginner will get to learn more about Bronchitis Patient after reading this article. It is written in easy language so that everyone will be able to understand it.

Carbo Vegetabilis
Among other remedies Senega, Carbo vegetabilis are used in asthma bronchitis of old people with foetid expectoration, dyspnoea in the chest when moving, laughing, respiring. Lachesis, Scilla in obstinate, chronic coughs. Nux vomica, Rhus and Veratrum album. Dulcamara are indicated remedies in the bronchial catarrhs of old people. Suppressing our knowledge on Acute Bronchitis is not our intention here. In fact, we mean to let everyone know more about Acute Bronchitis after reading this!

Belladonna   If the child cries after each paroxysm of cough and the cough is spasmodic  with no expectoration worse at night and on lying down with hot and moistured skin the best treatment is belladonna. In bronchitis with violent fever, with irregular breathing and fullness in the chest, the patient can't sleep and is drowsy. This is a dependable source of information on Bronchitis Complication. All that has to be done to verify its authenticity is to read it!

  • Millions of Americans suffer from one respiratory disorder or the other, which can impact their lives in serious ways.
  • A respiratory disorder can be acute or chronic.
  • Acute disorders can be easily treated and last for a short time.
  • On the other hand, chronic disorders are not only difficult to treat but can also leave a person disabled for life. :D
Treatment of Allergic Bronchitis
The importance of consulting a physician as soon you notice symptoms of allergic bronchitis cannot be overstressed. The doctor will conduct the required steps to find out which type of allergen is responsible for your particular problem. The test involves injecting an allergen directly under the skin and observing the way your body reacts to it. You may be filled with astonishment with the amount of information we have compile here on Bronchitis. that was our intention, to astonish you.

Prevention of Allergic Bronchitis
It is easy to manage and even prevent allergic bronchitis. As mentioned previously, the easiest way is to determine the particular allergen causing your problem and just stay away from it. In addition to this, it pays to know a few things such as the following. Bronchitis Treatment proved to be the foundation for the writing of this page. We have used all facts and definitions of Bronchitis Treatment to produce worthwhile reading material for you.

Take special care of yourself if you are suffering from allergic bronchitis. As already said, the condition can get dangerous.  Keep some antihistamine medication with you while traveling. You never know the type of allergens you might come across in an unfamiliar location. Having some anti-histamine with you will help you easily control any allergic reaction that might come up. Our objective of this article on Allergic Bronchitis was to arouse your interest in it. Bring back the acquired knowledge of Allergic Bronchitis, and compare it with what we have printed here.

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Your Doctor Might Even Ask You to See an Allergist
Allergists perform a series of tests in order to understand the nature of your allergy to a particular allergen. In addition, allergists can also teach you how to prevent the relapse of allergic bronchitis. There has been a gradual introduction to the world of Bronchitis Causes projected in this article. We had done this so that the actual meaning of the article will sink within you.

You know you are a victim of allergic bronchitis when you suffer from breathlessness, runny nose, red or swollen eyes, hyperventilation, tight chest, tickling in throat, persistent sneezing or coughing, headache, nausea, and so on. As soon as you recognise these symptoms, seek the help of a medical practitioner.

Treating Mild or Moderate Allergic Bronchitis is Fairly Simple
You need plenty of knowledge about the disorder, and you also need to know the particular type of allergen responsible for your problem. Once you know, it is easy to just avoid the allergens responsible for your problem. The medical treatment for this condition is anti-histamine medication. We were a bit tentative when embarking on this project on Bronchitis Causes. However, using the grit and determination we have, we have produced some fine reading material on Bronchitis Causes.

Be assured that it is possible to live a full, happy, and productive life even with allergic bronchitis. It is very important to keep yourself informed about your condition, ways of treating it, and way of preventing it. Be in touch with your allergist and your doctor. They are the best people to give you all the information you require about allergic bronchitis and to teach you how to live with the problem effectively. Using the intuition I had on Bronchitis, I thought that writing this article would indeed be worth the trouble. Most of the relevant information on Bronchitis has been included here. :)

  • The summer season can aggravate this condition simply because during the summer, there are plenty of allergens in the air.
  • Remember to bathe your pets regularly and free their fur from any allergens.
  • A lot of allergens are frequently found in the fur of animals.
  • An idle brain, is a devil's workshop they say.
  • Using this ideology in mind, we ventured to write on Bronchitis Treatment, so that something productive would be achieved of our minds.
Most Cases, Allergic Bronchitis Causes Mild to Moderate Suffering
However, it is important to realize that allergic bronchitis can become very dangerous and even cause death. This is because some people are extremely sensitive to allergens. This extreme sensitivity can lead to suffocation caused due to the blocking of airways by inflamed tissues. People in this condition are in great danger. They need immediate hospitalization and medical care. Writing something about Allergic Bronchitis seemed to be something illogical in the beginning. However, with the progress of matter, it seemed logical. Matter just started pouring in, to give you this finished product.

What is Allergic Bronchitis?
Allergic bronchitis is a type of respiratory disorder. It is commonly referred to as allergic asthma. The immune system of a person suffering from allergic bronchitis is highly we do not notice when we hyperventilate! that it attacks even harmless foreign substances that enter the body. To put it in other words, the immune system labels a harmless entrant into the body as "dangerous" and produces antibodies to fight against it. We had at first written a rough assignment on Bronchitis Treatment. Then after a few improvisions and enhancements here and there, we have ended up with this end product. :D.

Comfrey has a long history of effectiveness as a healer plant. It has the reputation of being able to knit bones together thus accounting for many of the common names (boneset, nipbone, knitbone, and healing herb).

Comfrey is a Contact Healer and is Best Known for Tissue Healing
In fact, until the early 1800's, it was only used externally as treatment of cuts, burns, skin ulcers, varicose veins, bronchitis, and rheumatism. The leaf has been tea that is gargled or used as a mouthwash to relieve throat infections, hoarseness, and bleeding gums. One reason for its effectiveness is its abundance of calcium and vitamin C and contains carotene (vitamin A), B12, and chlorophyll. :o.

Comfrey is Effective as a Healer Because It Contains Allantoin
This is able to help grow new flesh and bone cells and accelerate the healing process. It also reduces the inflammation of pulled tendons. An extract can be used for acne and athletes foot. It is also used for certain female problems. Comfrey tea and extract has been used as a douche for yeast infections. Poultices applied to sore and caked breasts, helps the tenderness leave very quickly.

Modern medicinal tincture, employed by homoeopaths, is made from the root with spirits of wine, and 10 drops in a tablespoonful of water are administered several times a day. Internally, the leaves are taken in the form of an infusion, 1 oz. of the leaves to 1 pint of boiling water.

Many claim that comfrey is so safe that anyone can use as much as they want any time. However, a few precautions are in order. Care should be taken when using Comfrey with very deep wounds as its rapid healing power can lead to tissue forming over the wound before it is healed deeper down, possibly leading to abscesses. Make sure that wounds are thoroughly cleaned and protected from infection. It was really tough getting information about anything previously. Now with the advent of the Internet, anyone can access any information at any time of the day.

Comfrey leaves and shoots are also used as a vegetable and are often ground up in a blender or some other type of mechanical device to form the basis of "green drinks" which have become increasingly popular among health conscious individuals. :)

Internally and externally comfrey is used in the treatment of colitis, varicose veins, assorted pulmonary complaints (pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia), rheumatism, metritis, diarrhea, and periostitis. It is utilized as a diuretic and bulk laxative and is credited with scar healing. It is also used as a sedative. There are no boundaries on countries for one to access information about Bronchitis through the Internet. All one has to do is to surf, and then the required matter is availed!

  • Have you ever suffered from bronchitis?
  • You must know all about the chest discomfort, the coughing, the excess mucous, and the difficulty breathing.
  • One of the most widespread respiratory problems in America is acute bronchitis. ;)
  • Even more rarely, bronchitis can be brought on by an organism that possesses properties of both a bacteria and a virus.
  • These are called mycoplasmas.
  • When this happens, the symptoms of bronchitis are much more severe and emerge quickly.
  • Certain mycoplasmas can even be deadly.
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella, and Chlamydia pneumoniae are some of the few mycoplasmas known to cause bronchitis.
  • Never be reluctant to admit that you don't know.
  • There is no one who knows everything.
  • So if you don't know much about Bronchitis Chest, all that has to be done is to read up on it! ;)
Bacterial infections can also be one of the causes of bronchitis, although viral infections more often trigger bronchitis than bacteria. Examples of bacteria that can trigger bronchitis include Branhamela catarrhalis, Bordatella pertussis, Bordatella parapertussis, Haemophilus influenza, streptococcus, and pneumonia.

  • There are a fair number of normal viruses that can bring on acute bronchitis.
  • They include adenovirus, rhinovirus, corona virus, Para influenza virus, influence virus, Coxsackie's virus, and respiratory syncytial virus.
  • Although anyone can get acute bronchitis, people over the age of 50 are more prone to it.
  • You get acute bronchitis when the bronchial tubes get inflamed.
  • Pollen, dust, chemicals, smoke, pollutants, and second-hand smoke can also bring on a case of bronchitis.
  • These causes usually trigger rather mild symptoms of bronchitis, though.
  • Variety is the spice of life.
  • So we have added as much variety as possible to this matter on Bronchitis Causes to make it's reading relevant, and interesting!
  • The kind of treatment you get helps you deal with the symptoms based on what caused the bronchitis.
  • You can relieve some of your bronchitis symptoms by reducing or getting rid of the irritants in your environment.
  • You can help open up the airways by taking cough suppressants meant for decongestion.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining; so consider that this article on Bronchitis to be the silver lining to the clouds of articles on Bronchitis.
  • It is this article that will add more spice to the meaning of Bronchitis.
Fungi Infections can Also be One of the Causes of Bronchitis
Cocciodioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Candida albicans, and Candida tropicalis are some of the more common ones. Bronchitis triggered by fungal organisms produces effects that are more mild and less serious. Did you ever believe that there was so much to learn about Causes Bronchitis? Neither did we! Once we got to write this article, it seemed to be endless.

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